Cisco SAFE

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² 領域別:  Security    å°åˆ†é¡žï¼šNetwork Equipment

(1) Product / Services


Cisco SAFE  

(2) Product / Services


Cisco's expertise in securing enterprise architectures helps you combine enablement with protection. The security solutions can help you protect your people, information, applications, and network. With Cisco security solutions, you can expand your company's productivity with the confidence that you are minimizing IT security risk.

(3)Main Features

Cisco SAFE is delivered in the form of design blueprints and security solutions:

Design blueprints—Cisco validated designs (CVDs) and security best practice guides. Prescriptive design guidance is provided in CVDs which cover the various places in the network (PINs) present in an enterprise network, such as campus, WAN edge, branches, and data center. Design guidance is

also provided for technologies such as unified communications, network virtualization, and network foundation protection, which are present in multiple places in the network. The selection of platforms and capabilities within those designs, is driven by the application of the SCF (Security Control Framework).

Security solutions—The SCF and the design blueprints provide the foundation for industry security solutions which address the requirements of specific industries such as retail, financial, healthcare, and manufacturing.

Cisco security services are embedded as an intrinsic part of the architecture. The Cisco security services support the solution lifecycle and the security products included in the designs.

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Cisco SAFE-1 & -2